Tuesday, April 22, 2008

School suspended(voluntary) II - undecided

Till now we've yet to finalise as to whether to confirm with the school suspension. Renee's temperature is now back to normal but what we're afraid of is that, like the week before - she went back to school for 7days and was unwell again. I've discussed this with daddy but having caught the cough bug, he's also down with fever today, so I'm unable to obtain any decision from him. Hope I could get some answers from him as we'll have to decide if to send Renee to school tomorrow or not.
However, I guess probably not, as it's gonna be a very busy day tomorrow -
1) Collecting car(hopefully they will deliver to our place) and I hope I'll be able to give it a good clean first - though daddy said I'm being silly as it'd be groomed before delivery.
2) We've contacted a repairman earlier and according to him, our fridge doesn't seem to be a major breakdown and his analysis, based on what we've described, is that we should be able to have it in full operative mode in less than an hour. So, since we're asking him to come have a look tomorrow, we're holding back on our order of the new fridge.
3) Jeweller's coming to pass us some of our stuffs first.
4) Repairer coming to check/repair our refrigerator
5) Practice my driving and parking, if possible.
6) Meet my gf to take a look at her hair accessories so we can confirm on the hairstyling for her wedding

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