Sunday, October 12, 2008

A 'Birthdays' Weekend

Daddy went for golf early on Friday but as he's aware of my displeasure, he came home right after the game and even showered Renee(it was requested by her anyway) :)

Yesterday wasn't just our usual weekly gathering day at my mom's, we also celebrated my father's birthday. Nothing big scale, just a normal dinner out with an angpao for him had been the usual way(unless it's on their 'big' birthday year).

And today, all of us went over to my brother, Choon Huat's place, to celebrate his first daughter, Jia Xuan's(2nd child on the way and we all speculated that it's a boy heee) 3rd birthday. Although we were informed of this celebration much earlier, but due to Renee and later myself being unwell, I didn't get to buy the present on Friday as I've planned(to go with Renee after her school, but we didn't send her there). So I had to rush over to the mall after I've got Renee's lunch ready. Spent quite some time at the store as I simply couldn't decide on what to get for the birthday girl - took and returned some boxes of toys/games a few times hahahahaha. Finally, I decided to get her 2 boxes of clay/dough making sets(which would help enhance 'motor skills') of which, our own dear girl was eager to 'share' hahaha.

We arrived at my brother's not too late from the indicated hour - well, that's the best I could manage, after I've finally loaded my car with vegetables, patatoes, toys, I had to rush back home to cook Renee's dinner before we could go over.

After the cake cutting, Renee anticipated the opening of the presents, particularly the ones we had given to JX, heee. However, though she was very excited to play with the toys, I must admit that she had behaved pretty well by not claiming 'ownership' to any of the toys. She just sat there, watching... Good girl, keep it up! :)

But I guess she finally 'gave way' and sadness showed on her face when we got home(oh ya, I remembered when I took her to the toilet before we left my bro's place, she had commented "I want my birthday now", awww...). After much prompting, I managed to confirm my guess - she was sad 'cos she didn't get to 'share/play' with the toys. I told her that it's alright 'cos she has alot of toys to play with, and besides, her birthday will be coming soon too. I also took the opportunity to explain to her how does birthday come about in the first place(not ust about presents) and she was ok right away thereafter :).

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