Friday, March 30, 2012

Allergy Trial(Egg)

Following the food allergy test on fish on Monday, I gave Rachel her 1st eggyolk for lunch today.

With the allergic reaction her jie jie's got from eggs, I hadn't dare to let Rachel have her egg allergy test earlier.  As a matter of fact, I had not deliberately tested Renee on her allergic reaction on eggs but she had just reacted from the consumption of some egg biscuits, consecutively for 2 days.

There are 2 schools of belief on how to deal/prevent such allergies, with the latest stating that we should give such allergy reacting prone food to babies earlier/sooner, but I do not want to depend fully on such 'findings' and decided to go with my own instinct and I only want to give Rachel her egg protein test after she's turned 1 - my logic is, since the tested chances of an allergy reaction is higher when 1 or more of the direct family members has an allergy, then I don't see why I should bother to take the risk sooner. 

However, I've consumed quite abit of eggs during my last trimester of pregnancy and I'm not sure if this would help?...
In any case, again, there were some tiny rashes appearing on her chin after the 1st few spoonfuls and under the scrutiny of my layman eyes, I felt they're ok and had continued.  She finished her meal with a full egg yolk today and I will have to continue giving her the same for another 2 days before proceeding with the egg white...

*praying and hoping that Rachel will have no eggs/fish protein, nor even any allergies!

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