Friday, August 20, 2010

Last Day of Preschool

Finally, it's been a month since we've handed in our notice of withdrawal to Kinderland Serangoon.

Mixed feelings for both myself and Renee on the withdrawal. I wouldn't mind to let her continue 'wasting time' at school, as she could have some playtime with her friends but the need to review her learning routine appears to be more important especially when she came home requesting to learn how to read even after a good 1/2 year at K1. Anyway, how many of us still contact our friends from our Kindergarten year(s)?...

When papa suggested pulling her out of the Kindy(since she's not learning much academically there) and before I could check her opinion on this, she asked me to change school for her! This apparently showed that she has no objection to the withdrawal. One of her reasons could be due to the withdrawal of most of her newly found close friends(due to the fees hike to ~S$1,300 - not worth it esp when some teachers are heard speaking 'leh, la, lor' & calling out to the students 'hello, this & that' in an aunty way... Her teacher couldn't even pronouce her name! and even refused to correct herself when I've told ne to try and explain the correct pronounciation, just once, in order not to aggitate her...) at the beginning of the current term, I think she kinda felt lonely...

Actually, I've asked the school many times since she's joined them at Pre-N, if they'd consider changing the morning session to a later time, say 9am and though they replied that they've considered that before but there has been no decision to change at all even though this branch only runs on 2 sessions. 8am, to me(I've also checked with few other mommy friends and they all agreed) is too early for preschoolers and although I'm not one who's against waking up early to send the kid to school in the morning, but if a 5yo has to sleep by 8-8:30pm, wake up at 7am, rushed through a cup of milk and bread to get to school on time and still has to attend enrichment classes outside school, then we feel, that it's really time for the parents to review...

Upon much considerations, we embarked on this decision which we hope works best for our darling girl as it would give her more free time to play/relax at home.

Meantime, the only enrichment classes I've signed her up so far in replacement of her Kindy learning are 'Phonics & Reading', 'Speech & Drama' and 'Maths'. Berries is still unable to give us a slot at the moment and I think we have, up til the end of this year before I have to seriously consider letting her join other chinese language school.

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