Friday, August 6, 2010

Another Missed Performance

Again, there'd been no notice given to the parents regarding this National Day performance at school and so, equipped with my camera in the car on standby, I asked Renee to check the time of assembly, with 1 of the assistants taking her temperature. She was not given a reply... So, I approached her class teacher, whom told me to check with the office.

I was told that the 'performance' would only start at 9am but if we drive, we'd have to take our vehicles to somewhere else(papa later told me that I shouldn't have listened to them). Aiyoh! So, I told Renee that I couldn't stay as I wasn't allowed to park there and she was very sad. Actually, I was also hoping to capture her in the patriotic red top(plus I've never let her join this event by wearing the red top as it's not her colour) since this is very likely going to be her last participation in such school events. Plus, our last minute preparation of reciting the pledge and singing the national anthem went very well last night and she can recite most part of pledge already. Finally, I placated her with the prospect of a light dinner at Sushi Tei after her arts class this evening, before we head to another of the temple's auction dinners and she felt better(she was upset when we didn't go last night there after her diagnostic test with Enopi).

I was held up abit chatting with 2 of the other mommies and by the time we left the school, it was around 8:25am and close to 8:45am by the time I got home. I felt uneasy and thought that perhaps I should have just stayed back afterall. Had contemplated of going back to the school, but given the limited time, I supposed I may not make it back to the school on time(if they really start at 9am) plus there might be a jam by the time I get there(or even forbidden to park at all when I get there) and so, feeling abit goggy and super hungry, I did not...

One would have thought that the school would be most concerned about the children's well-being and understand that the parent(s)' involvement in such of their performances, be it on a small or large scale, would be most beneficial to the kids(well, tt's why they're requesting parental involvement in regular projects right?) but apparently, as per 1 of the mommies, they obviously didn't even want us to stay and watch by not informing(not the first time already anyway, esp. since this year)...
Well, well, I shall not let these incidents affect us too much now that we've pulled her out from the school. I just hope her withdrawal from the school will not have an impact on the photos she's be taking at the school next Friday(that wld make use even gladder that we've withdrawn, lolz), :P.

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