Saturday, August 1, 2009

Dishonest Car Dealer

Today, the unscrupulous car dealer gave us more problem. Why? According to them, we did not pay them service charge, thus they're not liable to do anything for us and in this case, if we don't do our own adminstrations or whatsoever, the indemnity they've provided us is void. What nonsense?! In the market, the proper/correct rule is that the buyer(the one whom has engaged their service) has appointed them is the one whom has to pay for their services - which they would have attained from the commission they would obtain from the buyer's loan, insurance premium. And for that, whatever that is required for them to fulfil the deal, be it documentations or any services rendered, they have to ensure the job's done. And how can an indemnity given be voided? Ridiculous! Good thing we've got the relevant documentations from them(I've to insist from them).

In any case, we'll be bringing this matter up with the various related authorities. We wonder how many customers(who aren't aware of the usual pratice) they have swindled into paying hundreds of UN-necessary administration costs(their own policy, not market practice's).

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