Thursday, April 23, 2009

With Renee being absent from school, in a way it tend to kinda give me an opportunity to spend 'quality' time with her. After her short nap and lunch, I told her that she could skip her violin practice and we did some paintwork together(she prefers it if I do it with her) and we ended the last piece with an exploration of 'colour mixing', just to see how much lighter each colour will turn out after adding some white paint to 'them' :

After the paintwork, I read her 2 stories from the big book that I've got her recently and although she was getting sleepy from the story telling, she had wanted more, hahaha.

On our way to dropping her off at Eileen's, we dropped by the mall to get a small cake for Wayne gor gor(with Renee's own money and she even 'paid for it' herself) but by the time we've arrived, wayne was already out with Lili for his advance birthday dinner treat. No worries, he'd back and he would see the cake and angpao anyway, :).

I really hope Renee's fever will be fully subsided(we've stopped the TCM and gave her the fever medicine again, for the night) and I guess I'll bring her back to the Physician tomorrow 'cos in any case, her 'medication' is almost finished(left with just one last dose). My sis, seeing her in this condition, told me to just lay off heaty food for her and when I commented that if I always lay off those food, then will it 'prevent' her from building up the immunity but she said it's not forever that we have to lay off anyway... I gues she's right, in any case, those food aren't healthy to begin with, so why feel sorry for missing them? Especially if they're causing harm to the little body of hers... I have explained the 'pros and cons of taking and giving those food a miss' to Renee on the spot and she must have caught on the conversation I had with my sis that she agreed, well, for how long, I really wouldn't say hahaha, but I sure hope that it'll be at least easier for her to fight off her temptation later.

Oh ya, I've let Renee put on that Gap denim shorts this evening and it really looked kinda cool. I've told her excitedly that I'd like to take pic and she even gave a nice pose, hahaha :

yeah, yeah, I know it's small, but wat to do? lolz K, I'll try take another the next time she wears it

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