Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Artwork(drawing) Display

I was wondering if I've got any cardboard at home to draw footprints for her 'standing position'(as suggested by Ms Mok) during her violin practices when I remembered the 1 big plastic one which I've bought long time ago(planning to use it to teach her ABCs, but never got to use it all 'cos I've procrastinated for so long that she later learnt it on her own from her dora laptop hahaha). She saw it and wanted to draw on it, so I gave her a smaller piece and it became :
I like the snail she drew...she said aunty LiLi showed her how to draw.
Is it true, Li? that u've drawn one to show her?

For those who remembered that she had drawn 'Me' on a paper plate
2 Sats ago - she glued layers of paper on it and said it's my hair :

Her 'ice-cream' - made long time ago,with her playdoh dough:

Her self-made watch hahaha


Anonymous said...

Yes, she watched while i was drawing 3 weeks ago, wow, she really can remember so detailed........

Renee's Mommy said...

Kids usually hv elephant memory mah :)

Oh, can u see the semi-circle drawing with a '+', like checked? Guess what it is? She said it's a helmet(turn it upside down)! hahaha
but I can't rem she told me what the rest are liao...