Monday, August 4, 2008

A rainy and sunny Monday

It was just about to rain when we left for school but poured heavily when we were almost there. I was still 'fearing' when I saw the grey clouds and then I told myself, why should I be afraid since I'm not taking the trains hahaha, silly me...
When Zhou laoshi received her to the class, she asked if Renee's caught in the rain and quickly 'touched' her to check if she's wet... It's very comforting to see/have a teacher taking concern to a student's welfare.
Decided to try a new 'meal routine' today and so I hurriedly rushed home to cook her porridge after getting the groceries, not as much though, just 3/4 bowl. However, school served macaroni today and with 3 bowls of it(according to her, she asked for 'more' twice) plus the packet of fresh milk & a slice of milk bread on the way home...she could only eat 5 spoonfuls of the porridge and I've to finish up the rest :( hahaha, but at least she's had some codfish and vege :).
Then I told her that I'll not be giving her the milk bread on our way back from school anymore as she'll be taking her porridge when home and she said ok - Not sure if she really meant it, I'll just have to see if she still demands for her milk bread tomorrow hahaha. Still gotta monitor which is better...
Finally arranged to meet up with Vicky this Friday - better as I wouldn't have to rush that day! :)
Update - Reward chart programme
It seems like this does not work very well with Renee, a typical Singaporean or a typical kid who needs to see instant results hahaha. The novelty of collecting the stars in exchange of something/food of her choice seems to be wearing off(and she doesn't seem to mind very much not getting to eat them or not going 'gai gai' for that matter)... I think I'll need to come up with something that would work better with her.

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