Saturday, August 16, 2008


It seems like they're now doing the extra music session at the hall(with all the children) every Friday and as there weren't that many cars today, I stayed on to watch abit, but it ended in less than 5 mins lolz... That's because we were late! We've only arrived @ the school at 11:20am heee. Mommy Choolin came along when the children were returning to their respective classes and I asked if she would like to join me for a cuppa since we were both free :).
We had a nice little chat over drinks at the mall and proceeded for our lunch before heading back to the school. From our conversation, I got to understand abit more of 'what's happening' in the school since she's been staying around at the school for the past 2 mths(her in-laws were in town lolz) and had also been 'talking' to the other mommies. It appeared to me that most mommies are expecting quite abit and I myself agree with some of the pointers she's brought up - well, afterall, we're not paying higher fees for nothing/average mah... However, I have to bear in mind that I must try not to 'expect' too much. Mommy CL, upon my recommendation of Chiltern House, is suggesting to go for a site view one day.....

Daddy had told me that he'd be back early tonight and so I decided to boil soup for our dinner despite the cleaner being here(Renee might mess up the area with drinking soup) but in the end, he had a last minute dinner to attend and both Renee and I ate up the most part of the dinner :D. Kept some soup and snack for daddy but he came back at 8pm+... and suggested that we go down with him for the offering of incense/stuffs(Usually he'll go down on his own, even before we have Renee) after the 9:30pm news. Met another of our neighbour and her very friendly 17mths old girl kept asking Renee to 'bao bao' her and hugged her many times - Renee likes her too :) and invited her to come to our place hahaha. After about an hour+ later, we came back and our dear princess was totally shacked out(so am I!!!) hahaha. She was pouting and was verrry manja when I asked her to keep up her toys, kept saying that she's very tired..... I teased her that she's already a 'jie jie' and even 'bao bao mei mei', cannot behave like that and she pouted even more hahahahaha.
Finally, she fell asleep on my lap(with daddy's 'permission' as he'd have to carry her to the bed lolz).
Eileen phoned me earlier and said that I'd have to go fetch her from Kovan after her marketing as my BIL's not free...Oh no, I'm supposed to bring Renee for a dental check up at a roadshow early morning! Guess daddy will have to take over the 'duty' then :D

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