Friday, April 23, 2010

Home Learning for the 2nd Term

Here's her 'illustrations'...

Oh, the 'actual product' - I've added baked codfish and steamed vege to it and voila, it became her lunch! ;P

I've told her that she could do without the colouring but she's insisted on doing it and completing it on the same day. But we've came home late that evening and since there's no need for her to hand the work up soon, I insisted that she went to bed.

Then, when I asked her to finish up the colouring yesterday so she could hand it up today, she was said she'd hand it up by next Tuesday(which is still before the deadline) instead but I got her to finish it, lolz. She was very excited when it was finally done and urged me to quickly fill up the 'who did what'(as requested) portion which I planned to do only after she's gone to bed and I'm done with the chores. She was really happy when she saw it it in her bag this morning and insisted on holding it all the way to school, lolz.

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