Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Are You A Car Enthusiast Too?

Went with V this morning to the Audi centre as he needed me to take him back after sending the A6 for servicing. Now I know why so many people are not buying continental vehicles even though alot knew they're 'safer'(harder vehicle body) and are better performers. These continental vehicle agents really make big money. Not only are their automobiles are priced alot higher than other makes, their service fees are also hefty! Just the usual mileage servicing and by their standard, a must to changing a couple of filters, etc and guess what, our bill today amounts to S$600+, OMG! Haiz... no choice, this is the price what you have to pay when you buy them brand new(not minusing the fact that their 1st year depreciating value is also alot higher than other makes), hence the need to go to the agent.

To a non-vehicle enthusiast Me, I don't feel if it's a matter of whether you have the $ to spare on these costs but whether is it necessary? Also, the amount of money we have to bear when we finally or even sell it, I feel it's silly - so many 10s of thousands... Of cos, one may argue that for businessmen, it somehow is necessary in a way but then again, some might even get 'red-eye' over what you have, wouldn't it? Sure, I would certainly appreciate a solid and good performance vehicle myself, but then again, I'm not a multi-millionaire and losing 30k-40k in a car sale is to me, not a piece of cake/worth it and like I've said, I'm just not too crazy about such things, are you? Haiz... Men!

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