Sunday, July 5, 2009

Mommy also Can!

Suddenly remembering that our mom's big birthday is approaching, I sms-ed Renee's violin teacher if she's got the notes on the Happy Birthday song. Meantime, I searched the web but found them more of the 'lower' notes and most of which Renee has not learnt yet and won't be, at least not so soon.

So, instead of waiting, after her practice, I tried to play out the tune and got Renee to jot down the notes, lolz. Guess what, I got it right! Even though there's a note whereby Renee's not taught yet(so obviously I also won't know), and when Ms Mok brought this topic up today, she confirmed that I was indeed correct! :D, heee.

Also, the violins have arrived but Ms Mok has yet to collect them. However, she warned me again that it's gonna be another challenge, in fact, it'll be so, each time Renee changes to a bigger sized violin. It'll take AT LEAST 3 months for her to get used to it...arrrgggghhhh.

She wasn't given a star pass for the piece 'Perpetual Motion' today although Ms Mok said that she's actually ok but prefer to give her another week. However, this is piece is rather long(although it's 5 lines, same as her first song 'Twinkle2 Little Star' but it has many different notes) and from today, she's to play this piece with a faster semi quaver tempo and she wasn't very co-operative during the lesson. I managed to coax her to trial play at least the 1st line and she really did just stop there when Ms Mok tried to 'escape' by guiding her to the 2nd line, so today's lesson's super short(minus the time the teacher spent on writing down the HB song in proper notes for us. Anyway, it's nice of her to do that for us.), lolz, haiz...

Daddy has given me a pile of accounting entries to follow up the other day and I guess I had better start doing them tonight else it'll be jialat for me once I 'begin work at his office' next work, :(.

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