Saturday, March 21, 2009

Pa Pa's office

As planned, we followed daddy to the office and whilst waiting for him, Renee did her colourings at one of the 'stations' and even commented "Oh this is perfect" when I adjusted the seat higher for her, hahaha.

After the interview, daddy had to go to a client's office and so I brought the food I've prepared for Renee to the Jack's Place resturant downstairs, where we both had our lunch(later daddy told me he had his at a kopi tiam, heee).

Since young, Renee had always felt embarrassed whenever she got caught in action(be it something cute or even lovely) and in response, she'll turn hostile to those who looked on and smiled/laughed. We've tried explaining to her many times that people are not laughing at her but rather, it's because they had found her cute(or its relevant) but she still didn't like it. Today, after she's had her lunch, she went over to sit at the bench opposite and began her 'imagined' violin playing. She got carried away and was alittle loud in her tune that a family when saw what she was doing, laughed and she got angry, haiz...

With such 'shyness', it goes without saying that she'd have 'stage fright' and has always been unwilling to 'perfom' infront of others, be it a dance or a song she's learnt. Realising this, Ms Mok advised that I let her play her violin more, infront of 'people'. For a start, I'm to let her perform more often infront of her aunts and this was what we'd planned for this evening. As expected, she backed out at the last minute and even took a longer time to recover(as compared to the very 1st time she's played infront of them) and it's quite irritating especially after having had to go through the motion with her for a while. Let's hope she'll overcome this fear soon(before her exam)...

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