Saturday, March 8, 2008

It's 1st Term School Holidays!

After 3 weeks of school, Renee is going to stay home for the whole of next week - it's our local school Term 1 holidays! So, unless your kid is attending enrichment/holiday programme(which there's none for pre-nursery level at Kinderland - no need to overstress young kids) or childcare service, otherwise, he/she can laze around at home hahaha.
When I went to pick Renee up earlier, it suddenly occurred to me to just 'remind' her about it so what I did was, I asked her if Mrs Jacob has told her that she doeesn't need to go to school next week and she said YES! So I asked her "then school closed, how? u cannot go to school, what are you going to do" and she said "I orh orh, yi chiang(wake up), mum mum, do artwork at home, drink milk milk..." hahaha geez, sometimes u think they don't understand, but somehow they do...

Our IBook broke down as it's seldom used, and to have it repaired, it's gonna cost us S$1000+. Aiyoh, might as well get a new one. So, since daddy claimed that he needed one for his work (well, just for that few times maybe), he suggested going to the IT fair in the evening but I felt that it'll be better for us to go on Sat as we'll need to spend time looking around at the gadgets and might come back too late for Renee's shower.
Then I wanted to go to Ngnee Ann city to get my bag, but later decided to go on Sun and brought Renee down to Compass Pt instead. And becos I've planned to let her stay out till dinnertime, I've brought milk to school and she drank it whilst we were on our way to the train station :). Then again, she asked for Mcdonald's corn cup and since she's behaving well, to 'reward her', we went there again after I've done my banking.

She then asked to go to the library but I wanted her to take a nap first, so I told her the librarian uncle said she hasn't napped, thus the library is closed hehehe but she looked up and said "mommy, neh, library's there, got light, let's go". I repeated the same 'reason' to her and so, after I've redeemed the products with my package's S$390 voucher(yeah yeah, redeem products before I've even started my very first facial with them), I brought her to Metro to get some 'homewear' shorts and she fell asleep there :)
Then I went to the library(supposed to bring her there, but end up I borrowed a book whilst she's napping hahaha) and bought her a new pillow from Kiddy Palace. Wah, shopping today was a breeze man, with our princess sleeping in her stroller hahaha.

Daddy has gone out at ard 9pm+ to meet his client's business associates, and Renee fell asleep on my lap again at ard 11pm. He's now on his way back home, poor daddy...

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