Sunday, January 27, 2008

New hairband and a 'new' driver? hahaha

Went to Suntec City today, for a little walk cum dinner at Tony Romas(yes, again hahaha, what to do, it's our fav! Besides, it's daddy's b/day yesterday mah and we only went to KFC last evening due to the crowd so, heehee). And oh, this is what she drew at the restaurant :
(It's her favourite - jellyfish! with a face of cos hahaha)

I've been wanting to get one nice hair band for Renee as she's now willing to wear one. But the nice ones have to be ordered from overseas and I'm not sure if we could get them on time for the CNY. Luckily, as we passed by one push-cart stall just now, I saw some hairbands and finally found one!(though not of our choice colour but it's the last few left that's without the hurting 'teeth'). Daddy had wanted to go elsewhere to look for alternatives, but she didn't want us to take it off from her, so..... :
(I think it should be worn with the ornament at the other side but I guess it's versatile hahaha)
When we got back, I told Daddy to let me try driving at the carpark for me to get used to driving again(geez, it's been 8-10years since I last drove!!!) and daddy was saying that I'm still quite ok. *phew*, this, coming from him, is a compliment heeeee But then again, he's switched the vehicle to Auto-gear for me so it's easier lah in a way hahaha, guess I'd still need alot more practices man!

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