For the benefit of both of us, I have no choice but to give the bf weaning another go.
Again, I chose to start from the day and as we both woke up late at around 9:30am today, the weaning proces 're'-began from that fateful hour...
Was told to apply some balsam cream on the nipples but fearing that it might be too 'hot' for her, my sis Eileen suggested using bittergourd instead. I had thought it a better idea and had in mind to use either that or lemon to deter her from latching. Luckily for me, I've bought a new bittergourd from the supermarket the other day and the moment she requested for milk some time later, I cut a slice of the gourd, rub it onto my 'n's(both sides, just in case) and though I didn't taste much of it from the slice, Rachel rejected latching right away.
The morning was still ok but she couldn't take her nap due to the 'inability' to latch and at around 5pm+, she finally couldn't take it further and asked to latch again. I rubbed another fresh slice of the bittergourd again and hving seen me performing this act earlier, she quickly realised what's in store for her and refused to latch. I was in and out of the bedroom with her sooooo many times that I felt as tired as her(if not more...). Eventually, my hormones reacted again and I started to tear... She saw me tearing and had thought it funny at 1st, thinking that I was trying to trick her but when she realised that I was really crying, she came to me, stroked my hair and arm, hugged and kissed me. Then when I spoke to her, she pouted and wanted to cry with me, that made me feel even sadder... Arrrrghhh, I really wish this ordeal would be over soon! Good thing, being the bubbly her, she soon recovered, went in search of tissue paper, took 1 piece and started to wipe my tears away, before she tried to make me smile again, oh my precious Rachel, I really hope this ordeal wouldn't be so difficult for you and I wish it'd be over soon...
Finally, she fell asleep on the high chair after 2 spoonfuls into her dinner, poor thing... And I took the opportunity to quickly have our delivered pizza with Renee.
Then the most feared hour came, Bed-time and as anticipated, she couldn't tolerate and asked to latch again. I pretended to give in to her but remembering the bitter taste, she didn't dare to take it... She cried, she fussed, she vented her anger(by facing the wall, :<), begged me(but yet daren't latch)... I coaxed, I coo-ed, I sayang-ed, I played with her and even with her favourite - having her back scratched, couldn't get her to sleep... Finally, just half an hour ago, she finally gave-in to lethargy and finally fell asleep and I dread to think what will happen later when she awoke midway....(not forgetting the engorgement I'm feeling the whole day now)...
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