Decided to bring Renee to the Paediatrician's this morning and co-incidentally, just as I was sending a sms to PeiXiang that she could come slightly later when I got hers saying that she'd be late, lolz.
We went in separate cars(Renee's with me of cos), as daddy need to go back home to let PX in. This caused a little mix-up thereafter(as he parked 1 level abv mine, I even went up to look for him after waiting awhile for him at 'my' level haha), but when we finally met up at Rivervale Mall and were going for our breakfast at Mcdonald's, I realised that I've forgotten to bring my purse! So daddy had to go back to get it... I took Renee to look around the make shift stalls in the mall lobby and saw a 4 stories + CDs book which I planned to get later but forgot :(. By the time Daddy returned, Mac was already very packed so we went to the foodcourt. We finally bought e toy golf set for Renee as we've been unable to find a real golf club/set for Renee due to her left-hand inclination.
After a long wait of 3 solid hours at the PD's, I was given a couple of recommendations for her frequent phlegm cough(even though she's ok when she doesn't attend sch, but according to the PD, she's had sensitive/allergic nasal prob since birth, it's very likely she'll get this prob whenever someone falls ill in school). As both PDs had to leave earlier at 1pm for a conference, I didn't get to re-consult the PD on her recommendations(medications already prepared) when we came back from the toilet. I told the assistants that I would prefer not to take the prescriptions now(to be taken for few months) and instead, I was given(still...) the earlier recommended one - Singulair, which comes in tablet/powder form and each tablet cost S$3.50(to take 1 every night for 2 wks min). Decided to just give this a try, since the PD had indicated a review in a month's time.
More information here(pls click onto the page to read):
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