Friday, October 31, 2008
Trial on the Pre-schooler Music Exploration Course
Thursday, October 30, 2008
What? More classes?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Princess is still the priority...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Happy Deepavali
As usual, Renee woke when daddy carried her to the car seat and pouted as she was upset that we were already going home hahaha. But good thing is after her dinner, daddy played a 'new game' with her and her laughter filled our home again :D
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Artwork Display
New shoes, finally? ^_^
And this is what I've ordered(yes, again keke) from a recent online spree - the pink pair of 'cos :D:
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
More Holidays?
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Pyjamas activity missed!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Pyjamas party postponed...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Pyjamas party?
Chicken Pox Vaccination
Monday, October 20, 2008
Char Siew, no Char Siew...
Wrong Menu!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Ribbon, ribbon, are you right for my dress? :D
As usual, the restaurant that we dined in was really 'children friendly' and Renee was given a party pack, a Minnie Mouse mask, a pink colour balloon and was later asked to choose a hairclip(which she didn't since she doesn't fancy any of them - she was probably comparing them to those on the web that I've just shown her this morning, haha), hahaha.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Car's battery fixed
Friday, October 17, 2008
Battery flat/dead?
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Essential Oils
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
New bottle, again...
Went over to Metro to have the 'Dora' Laptop checked again and I almost got a brand new replacement but unfortunately, the laptop is no longer available :(. So, there's nothing we can do now except to leave the laptop behind for the supplier's repair and meantime, I'll just have to wait for their 'good news'.
Renee was very happy when I brought the new tumbler to school and she kept drinking from it whilst in McDonald's. However, as this tumbler holds more water, she got tired of and stopped trying to drain it after a while, hahaha. After going to a few shops, I finally managed to get another pair of hair-cutting scissors and before we headed home, I bought some more charsiew(for her to eat in school, as chicken rice's on the menu for tomorrow) and she insisted on having it for dinner lolz.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Calcium needed!
Nail art?
After resting for a short while, I quickly changed Renee out of her school unform and we rushed over to Kiddy Palace to return the neck support(yet another one, but too small, arrrggggh) but the only thing that I wanted to exchange the item for - liquid detergent's out of stock! So, I got her another tumbler(the earlier Dora one that she's got) and the balance in their shopping voucher... Why another tumbler? Haiz, here goes the story :
I was early at her school yesterday, when I saw madam sock huay(yes, she's finally back to work) brought her tumbler out to the canteen. Curious, I asked her why when she came back and she told me that another kid had drunk from Renee's bottle and she went to change the water and washed the bottle with hot water. So, because of this, I decided to boil it which resulted in Renee asking me when she came home today, why the picture on the bottle looked abit funny hahaha. However, the holder of the new tumbler's not in working condition, thus I have to go back AGAIN tomorrow to have it changed, aiyoh!!!
Unlike the usual, cheeky Renee didn't tell/show me about the goody bag she's got from 1 of her classmates' birthday celebration today(no cake though she said) when I went to fetch her. But it seems like this had been one of the best, or should I say most 'useful' - 2 packs of Disney cookies, 1 changeable pencil and a Disney/Mickey notebook.
Supposed to meet up with Vicky this Friday to try out some new hairstyles for her coming wedding. Not sure if I could or should postpone it since she's also kinda busy right now(although she's made time for this meetup but she might be happy with the 'extra') and I'm not exactly in the best of mood lately anyway, haiz...
Monday, October 13, 2008
Char Siew, I want!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
A 'Birthdays' Weekend
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Road to Recovery...
Now that I'm feeling slightly better, I quickly cut up an apple for Renee and myself and I think I better go shower her soon(before my temperature goes up again, if it's going to...).
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Fever Up and down...
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Private Movie Screening
Monday, October 6, 2008
Home Rest
Sunday, October 5, 2008
We didn't go with daddy to the dinner(despite of the big angpao he's giving the wedding couple...). 1st, whilst daddy was getting himself ready, we went to collect the last batch of my recent overseas sprees(Old Navy) before heading to the mall for my dinner(brought Renee's along too). It seems like we now have ALOT of ankle socks for Renee and it's a good thing that those that I've bought from sprees are much thicker than those Elsie has given us, so they will not 'crash' in their 'purpose' :D
Saturday, October 4, 2008
After a long wait of 3 solid hours at the PD's, I was given a couple of recommendations for her frequent phlegm cough(even though she's ok when she doesn't attend sch, but according to the PD, she's had sensitive/allergic nasal prob since birth, it's very likely she'll get this prob whenever someone falls ill in school). As both PDs had to leave earlier at 1pm for a conference, I didn't get to re-consult the PD on her recommendations(medications already prepared) when we came back from the toilet. I told the assistants that I would prefer not to take the prescriptions now(to be taken for few months) and instead, I was given(still...) the earlier recommended one - Singulair, which comes in tablet/powder form and each tablet cost S$3.50(to take 1 every night for 2 wks min). Decided to just give this a try, since the PD had indicated a review in a month's time.
More information here(pls click onto the page to read):
Friday, October 3, 2008
I have 2 reported cases of HFMD in the school. Both cases were made known to us on the 29th of September. This is from our Nursery class – Studio 1. On our end we will continue to maintain high hygiene standards in the school.
This includes:
1. Regular washing of toys
2. Disinfecting all equipment and furniture in the classroom daily
3. Washing the toilets, twice daily
4. Air the rooms in the afternoon.
5. Daily classroom checks on the children
We will appreciate it if you co-operate by keeping your child at home if he/she is not feeling well. Once your child is detected with fever in school, he/she will be isolated and you will be asked to bring your child home. Please do reinforce good hygiene habits at home as well.
Once we have 2 cases of HFMD in a particular class, our standard procedure is to close the class for 7 days to break the infection cycle. Any subsequent new cases reported from the same class, will mean that we will extend the closure. In such a situation, the class teacher will keep you updated.
I appreciate your attention to this concern and I also seek your co-operation in controlling the spread of this disease.
Thank you for working with us in containing the infection.
While I have two more cases of HFMD reported to us, one from the previous batch of reported cases have informed us that he has recovered. Therefore our total active case to date is 3. We have decided to extend our closure for the affected nursery class (1st session-studio 1 by one more day. Class will resume on Tuesday 7-10-2008).
I continue to urge you to remain vigilant and maintain high hygiene standards both in and out of the home.
We will continue with our daily cleaning and disinfecting of the classrooms and the environment.
Haiz, really wonder how does this disease come about...(I had thought that usually the centres/schools will only close if the no. of affected children hit more than 10? Anyway, I'm happy with this procedure)
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Our trip to Seremban
We were at a very large mall but I didn't get to shop at all hahaha 'cos all the hostess wanted to do was to please the little princess and so she went on searching for toy shops(she almost bought a toy set for Renee also but I declined) and playgrounds. We passed by the Ice-Skating ring but Renee wasn't keen to watch the skaters(or were angry that we hadn't allowed her to watch earlier lolz), so we proceeded further where she had quite a 'play-ful' at the McDonald's mini playground. There was a even bigger playground in the mall as we moved on and upon its sight, the hostess urged me to let Renee play there. Since I've to go along with Renee, she took a rest somewhere.
This is the view we get from the restaurant where the 3 of us had our lunch: