Renee told daddy this morning : "daddy(now she prefers to call him daddy than papa), you have to bring me to school so mommy can stay at home, because mommy is not feeling well" and when I told her that I can still bring her there, she said : "why? but you're sick ar". Arrrh, soooo sweet of her...
The Principal approached me in the hall and though I was 'shocked' initially, I was told that there will be a performance by some students from China and we're invited to stay and watch. So, since I needed to pass the time before I can go collect my spree merchandises(the spree organiser said I'm to go ard 12pm :<), I stayed to watch for a while. To welcome them, the children were asked to sing their Kinderland school song(the mandarin version though) and this gave me the opportunity to 'listen' to its tune for the very first time. Hey, pretty nice :D
However, the performances were not what I would go for and just as I was prepared to leave, a boy began to perform with his violin and at that moment, I noticed Renee 'raised' herself up for a clearer view :D - she even told me about it after school.
Oh yes, Renee had also finished the food I prepared for her to eat in school('cos it's chicken macaroni for today).
The long waited stuffs, yeah!!! And although they're mostly still kinda 'too big'(except the 2 pairs of socks and the denim skort which has inner adjustable bands!!!) for her to wear now, I must say that these items are my 'best' buys soo far 'cos I really like the cut/design/material of the items!:
I simply love ankle socks!!!
With our old tv finally being transported to my FIL, we now have our original space back in the study/play room, and our hall is also free of Renee's car hahaha. And since the room has alittle more space now(cos the space is just being 'freed' a little as the car's also not very small), I can perhaps bring out the 'larger' game/acitivity set for her to play with...
e brown n peach pair is veri nice!! gt size 4 for adult or not haha
ya, that's her papa's choice too! But i think it's 'pink and brown' clr hahaha
hey, size 4, that means u're Iguin!!!
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