I don't remember hving to wean Renee off so many 'stuffs' but with Rachel, it's a total different story.
First of all, it's the breastfeeding. This is something which I think I'd face with most difficulties but as I'm still bf-ing her, I shall talk about it in due course. Both Renee and Rachel had started on bottle feeding(Expressed Breast Milk-EBM), but for Rachel, heeding advices, I've succumbed to direct latching and have continued bf longer than Renee, so I guess, it'll definitely be harder to wean Rachel off.
Had I not taken the heed of mommies, to latch Rachel more often, perhaps I may not to deal with this 'problem'. Since the time I took on the advice, soon she began to reject the bottles and numerous times of changing the bottle size and brands of teats didn't help. She did drink water from the bottle a couple of months ago though but it's also short-lived... Recently, having read about someone succeeded in weaning after using a soft type of teat, I decided to give it another try. However, instead of trying the brand that the mommy had used, I chanced upon a Korean brand one and she seems to like it enough to drink water from it(not sure how long this will last but I sure hope it would...). I hope this would help me to wean her off bf when the time comes...
Pacifier is another thing. I've never quite like the idea of babies taking the pacifier, simple reason - usually hard to wean off and it may then cause dental problem. Renee had not taken to sucking a soother, nor has Rachel. However, the latter had almost taken to it but then, when she showed signs of rejection, I stoppped giving it to her after some tries. This rejection's a good sign, to someone whom doesn't buy the idea of giving the soother to the baby but when the baby wants suckling to sleep, this would be most handy. My baby Rachel is one such example! but she just simply wouldn't take the pacifier even when I've given in to giving it to her.
Not just on bottles and teats, we've also spent quite abit on soothers, trying on a few brands/types - Nuk(her milk bottle brand), Tommy Tippee... but she'd simply pull them out and cried non-stop for Moi! Today, even though I'm dead tired after a whole day of preparing lunch/washing/cleaning/packing myself, we still went out when hubby woke up from his nap after his golf game. I was contemplating between the Mothercare, Mam and Avent brand of soother and finally settled for the Avent's.
As usual, she's been crying for me after I've cleaned her up but I needed my shower/sterlise her stuffs+ new pacifier/laundry, And... she took the pacifier, only for a while... :( So I decided to try a different way - at 10:10pm, I carried her to the room, b/fed her and gave her the pacifier when she'd drifted off to sleep but she woke up the minute the soother touch her mouth and wasn't happy! She fussed, she pulled it out and cried but since she's fed, it's obvious she just wanna suckle to sleep, so I didn't want to give in. I struggled with her, 'beat' her thighs(she manja and cried of 'cos), then I played with her abit, with the pacifier and soon, she gave in to fatigue and fell asleep, on our bed, sucking the pacifier, at 10:47pm...
@11:40pm, she woke up in her cot, crying and didn't want the pacifier again. I put her on our bed, stuff the soother into her mouth and she slept... Arh, this is something I realised recently! - Like Renee, she doesn't quite like to sleep in the cot(and this is a different cot, not the one Renee had used so it shows they really dislike it) and wants to sleep with me. Oh man, another thing for me to wean off!