Today, she displayed the above again and thus, whilst waiting for her arts lesson to end, I went with hubby on his errands(he sent us there, heee) and I couldn't help and got her this:
Friday, July 30, 2010
Another Gift?
Today, she displayed the above again and thus, whilst waiting for her arts lesson to end, I went with hubby on his errands(he sent us there, heee) and I couldn't help and got her this:
I'm a Big Girl now, I shower myself!
Late Dinner Event
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
1st Phonics Lesson
Today, I've dressed her up in the wrong uniform but she told me that she still took part in the Kinderfit.
She told me that she also spoke-out(answering a qns) during their CMC(Music) lesson when the teacher asked them questions. I had thought her willingness to speak out now was due to my telling her that we'd not let her continue with Lorna Whiston's S&D if she still is not willing to perform/speak when asked/spoken to but she told me that it's because she didn't really get a chance to answer in the past and now that the girl whom always answered out loud had left the school, she was finally given a chance to(I guess she just doesn't want to 'fight' to answer).
Renee's having her 1st Phonics & Reading lesson this evening and as the medicines cause drowsiness, I told hubby not to let her eat the bread on the way home - so she could have her lunch shortly after coming home. Then it was violin practice before her nap and this arrangement seemed to work rather well - at least we didn't have to rush through practice(even though it's a short one) before going for the class.
Punggol plaza - so near yet so far. By vehicle, we could reach there in less than 10mins' time, and although there's a straight bus(I think it's 1 bus stop) but I hvn't got Renee her own transitlink farecard and thus, trying the bus route today wasn't good - didn't want to have to fumble with the fare payment whilst the bus move off and I can't hold on to Renee(duno why bus drivers just have to move off immediately even when elders, pregnant women or parents with the youngs had juz got on board). And to take the train, we'd have to take the LRT, transfer to MRT to Punggol station, changed to Punggol route LRT, abit silly I find, why can't they simply just link them up direct?
I've forgotten to bring my book again and so, I had to wander around the mall whilst waiting for her. She had always wanted to hold on to my ticket whenever we travelled by the trains and needless to say, when I got her her new farecard today, she was upset when I want to safe-keep it for her each time after she's tapped it against the reader. So, I promised to get her a card holder(with a sling so she cld hang it over her neck) so she won't accidentally drop it.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Kidz Amaze

Saturday, July 24, 2010
Busy and Tired
Friday, July 23, 2010
Out of School Learning
For variety, we'd wanted to pick dried leaves from this species, but there didn't seem to be any!
Then it's cleaning time...
Then it's alignment time, errm no good, ok the other way... haha
Then, fold the sketch file and squeeze tight, haha
Now, who said that the kids can't learn anything non-academic out of the school? :)
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Wrong English Enrichment?
Here's some new comments on her reading :
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Racial Harmony Day
Saturday, July 17, 2010
A Little Journal
A Day of Fun, Games and... Fireworks!
It was around 5:30pm when we headed out but unfortunately, the place where we wanted to go was already sealed up for developments but since it's near to the Marina country club, we went over there.
Renee repeatedly requested for papa's permission to go to the playground when we get home and again, she had another great time. Due to the visit to the club, we did not go to check-out the International Friendship event held @ SK and thinking that we might have came back too late for the firworks, we went back after Renee's had her fun-filled time at the playground. But, not long later, the fireworks began!

Friday, July 16, 2010
Dental Follow Up
Thursday, July 15, 2010
New Dresses Again ^-^
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Hula Hoop
Friday, July 9, 2010
Artwork Display(Nafa Arts - 1st Semester)
This is tagged 'Teacher's Favourite'