Sunday, May 31, 2009
Nature Study? - Grasshopper
Violin Lesson Resumed
Saturday, May 30, 2009
A Good Night Sleep
Friday, May 29, 2009
A Long Friday
Had arranged to meet Janice for munchies, and so we went(even went to check out a music school for her son and a arts school for both our kids). And after school, she and Jerome joined us for a story telling session at the Compass Point library and afterwhich, we went walking around some shops whilst our kids enjoyed each other's company. Oh my gosh, when with the company of her friends, my little girl is more 'out of hand' than they are! She's sooo much into play! :}
However, having been out since morning, well even though it's the later part of it, I was already tired by the time we were done with snacks at Mac after the story telling session. I had gone to bed after my reading @ around 2:15am, but I wasn't given a chance to really fall asleep 'cos our darling was 'fussing' in her sleep. When I went to sleep next to her, she was still fussing every now and then and when I told her that it's ok and that I'm with her, guess what, she murmurred "wayne gor gor played with me" - arrrh, that's the light to her fussing! I remembered when I went to pick her up from Eileen's last night, they were both perspiring all over from the play. That must have explained her 'ham meng'... However, this wasn't just that, we didn't have the air-condition on last night and she was perspiring when daddy had stopped the fan from 'turning' and she must have been grouchy from the heat and caused me to wake up every now and then the whole night, the last straw came at about an hour after she woke up for a drink of water and going to the toilet, I told her that I'm going back to my bed. When she finally realised that I wasn't sleeping next to her, she got up, went to daddy and made him go sleep with her, hahaha.
This is the playdoh cake her wayne gor gor had done for her(she made the candle, hahaha)
Ok, enough for the digress/'explanation' hahaha, Renee was again, reluctant to part with aunty Janice and Jerome and threw a tanthrum even after Janice had promised to invite her over for some art&craft and a swim thereafter during the holidays. She wanted them to go to our place, then and there! Geez... Finally, Janice gave her a pack of bear gummies - which Jerome had promised earlier to give to her but was stopped by their teacher(I guess, was due to the incident of 'expired candies' case). That however, managed to soothe her and we parted...
Mid year school holiday has finally began, and although I've got some art/craft supplies in stored and many books in preparation, I'm now alittle clueless as to where/how to begin. Maybe it's because my mind's now clouded by thoughts of the session change, which will affect her routine. I think I must really learn to 'relax' myself over such matters, lolz...
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Child Talent, again?

An Old Friend
Saw the mommy at the gate as I was leaving and as they also came out very soon, I took the opportunity to ask the mommy if Nicole wld be going to the same school in the morning session for next year and her answer's Yes. Janice and myself had thought that Nicole has already changed school so when I saw her just now, I must say that I'm very happy, heee, 'cos that means Renee would finally have a friend when we really decided to change her to morning session next year, hurray! Oh wait, perhaps we could even change her next term! Hmmm...
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
No Assistance?
Oops, sorry, I've forgotten to let known what this is all about, hahaha. Well, our Renee is finally able to 'lift' herself up to the toilet seat! Our toilet bowl seats, after some comparisons(not all of cos) are alittle higher, and with her not being very tall(still hasn't reached the 100cm mark yet :>) and the seat being raised up further by the foam padded child seat, she used to have difficulty getting herself up on it. However, yesterday, without waiting for me to help her up, she did it, smoothly, yes, finally! lolz...
Though I wouldn't say that she is now fully toilet independant at home(since she'd still need someone to wash her up after passing motion), this is a very good start 'cos she can now really start to wipe herself up after each toilet use.
Rest, what's that?
Anyway, I was late for my facial and I must be feeling exhausted 'cos I dozed off right after the massage! Actually, I've only started to doze off during facial treatments only very recently(the last couple of appts that is) and it's usually when the therapist has left the room for the masque to work its 'magic' but today! I guess I must have badly needed a rest...quite embarrassing, heeee.
Thereafter, I rushed over to the school but there were only Renee and another kid waiting at the office when usually there would be quite a number(I was only abt 5 mins late! Perhaps it's there's art lesson this afternoon?), so it was a good thing I've packed 2 story books into her bag for standby, :D.
We went to H/mall again and this time, I took her to the foodcourt for her favourite char siew rice. She had suggested going to Compass Point instead 'cos she remembered me telling her that the char siew rice there isn't very nice, lolz but I told her we could give it another try. I ordered a mixed char siew/roasted duck combi and she loved it, lolz. Although I had only intended to go there for a quick exchange of some items, we ended up staying there for about an hr and by the time we went over to Eileen's, Renee had already fall asleep in the car - good thing Eileen had offered to bring the foodstuffs down, *phew*...
Back home, I let Renee continued her nap in the stroller whilst I quickly tend to the chores and I woke her up when I was done with the foodstuffs and preparation of her dinner. She then followed me back to the car to collect more groceries, *busy busy* hahaha...
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Full Air-Conditioned
Various Accompaniment
Sunday, May 24, 2009
O Come Little Children
Saturday, May 23, 2009
The Right Reward

Song Of The Wind
She has been playing the earlier songs with the up, down, up, down bow consistantly but with this song, she learnt to begin on the down bow(after ending with the same) during the 'rest', on the next line/bar of tune and also, to double bow the same notes with the same 'stroke' :
Friday, May 22, 2009
Rushing Around
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Another Day at the Bookstore

Lightly Row
With this song, she began to learn to 'drag'/play the bow longer with the indicated notes...
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Everything 'baby'
Saturday, May 16, 2009
A Wedding Dinner
Oh ya, the animated pre-wedding montage video the couple has put up was interesting(new to me but not to daddy since I didn't join him to a recent wedding) , unlike the usual photographic type which I'll normally not bother, heee... I managed to catch some parts here n there, here, take a look :
Friday, May 15, 2009
More Books? :D
When daddy came home early(was supposed to be later but due to the rain, they have to stop the golf game midway, hahaha), he opened up his golf size umbrella and place it in the study room to dry... When Renee saw it, she was sooo excited and claim that it's her camping tent! hahaha :
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Books Spree
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Windy Days Are Back?
Coin Slots

And as I'm typing this post, Renee suddenly brought out an old artwork which she's done in school for the valentine's day and insisted that I opened the 'heart' up, claiming that there's a piece of paper inside. As I didn't act on her request immediately, she being impatient, removed the tape and voila! Ohh, it's nice :
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Term Holiday?
Monday, May 11, 2009
Another Mothers Day Card?
Sunday, May 10, 2009
A New Song
Good thing is that for such 'extra' work, she would for now, only have to concentrate on the playing of the notes/tune first and learn the rest next lesson...*phew*, else I think I'd go crazy, hahaha(now I know why alot of schools are not willing to take in younger children for violin).
Another Site
A Little Informal 'Performance'
Isn't it nice? heeee(the stamps I bought for her came in handy too!)
Saturday, May 9, 2009
A Friday Cuppa and... Stamps!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Long, Short, Shorter and Now What?
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Poll - Another blog site?
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Cranky at 4?
Forms, Forms and more Forms
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Artwork Display
Monday, May 4, 2009
Computer in replacement of TV?
Sunday, May 3, 2009
No 'Bliss'
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Arts School

Friday, May 1, 2009
May Day
No photos taken today, as our dear timid girl didn't agree to the elephant ride, etc. Not even a photo of her sitting on a Giant Tortoise statue! Aiyoh...
After the Zoo, having no idea where to go for our dinner, we decided that since it'd be on our way, we could pop over to the Thai rest. near my mom's but as my mom wasn't quite happy that we've only told her last minute, we went on our own. We still dropped by her place after dinner though, but it was a short stay as Renee had dropped and broke 1 of her display figurines whilst playing and we decided to go back(she's tired already anyway and 'cos she's broken something, she din protest about going back so soon, kekeke).
Thinking that I might have forgotten the route and also to test the GPS, daddy had told me to drive today. It was a good thing that the trip wasn't that long and so Renee didn't get to nap for long and also, on the way back, I've made daddy to try keep her awake, :) And so, she's fallen asleep real fast tonight. She's been taking naps for the past few days and that had caused her to go to bed later at 11pm. I hope this holiday weekend can help to bring her back to her normal routine...