Sunday, September 28, 2008
F1 Race
At my mom's yesterday, though my sisters 'helped' me to dissuade daddy from asking us to join him on his coming trip to Malaysia, but he didn't look happy, so no choice, haiz. Renee will just have to miss :
Friday, September 26, 2008
I like this - When I told her : "lai, mommy kiss yi xia", to tease me, she'll say :
Only recorded e first phrase of this song, it's supposed to go on... till 'no duck came back'
'Wo Shi Yi Ge Da Ping Guo' - it sounds better when she said e "bie peng wo!" 'stronger' :D
It's Friday again!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
News and News...
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
USA Economy
MIO tv
Monday, September 22, 2008
Precious looking for papa...
Lazy Monday!
Just before we left home for school, I checked her bag and found a registration form to the Pre-N field trip and it's to the Zoo and a fee of S$14.00 is payable(one thing I can't comprehend is why they had to have this disclaimer : 'I understand that the school will not be held liable for any accidents that might occur during the field trip' - I mean, if they're not responsible whilst our children are in their care, then who is?). We thought it'll be a good idea for her to enjoy a school excursion together with her playmates but on 2nd check, we might be away from the 1st Oct, see how then...(think better to re-cfm with daddy again before the 'due date' for registration)
When on the way back home, Renee asked if I 'saw papa's car'. I told her that his home waiting for mommy's car and, Renee asked : "then papa drive mommy's car and go out?".
Mommy : "yes" and she cried!
Renee : "I don't want papa to go out"...
Mommy : "but papa has to go work, else no money how?"
Renee : "I don't want to go to school anymore, I want to stay at home and rest"('cos daddy used to tell her that he needed to go work, so that we could pay her school fees) hahaha
Sunday, September 21, 2008
First day of the week - Sunday
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Steamboat dinner
Friday, September 19, 2008
Wanted the french pedicure to go with my rhinestones but the nail of my left last toe had chipped off,
*Another piece of news(which I think I had been informed of same already when we first went to check out the school heee) - all the teachers in Kinderland Pre-school Serangoon are qualified to teach all levels, that is from Pre-N to K2(with the exception of Mrs Jacob whom has left the school already to look after her father).
It was very nice of Mrs Tan, together with Zhou laoshi and aunty mdm sock huay to give the children an early Children Day's gift :
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Insurance, Insurance, Insurance!
Renee : *no answer, still pouting with her arms crossed*
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Beauty day
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
More charms!
Went to the library and got only 1 book(in case I have to extend the period again hahaha, unless it's by the author I look out for now).
Monday, September 15, 2008
Artwork(drawing) Display
New week, new blog face!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
The Weekend
Thursday, September 11, 2008
New hats!
So now she has these :
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
New mobile phone
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Jewellery/Accessory Boxes
Renee loves to listen to its music and watch the 2 birds 'flying' around with the heart lolz
Monday, September 8, 2008
She was sooo happy and exclaimed 'Kinderland!' when we were near the school.
Still feeling goggy after getting my groceries, I got home and told daddy to pick her up since he'd be using my car later. The minute Renee came back, I had told her that we'd be doing 1 of the new 'artwork' books but I still felt goggy after her lunch and decided to take a short nap. She wasn't happy and wanted to do the artwork immediately but had sweetly let me take my nap whilst she played with her toys beside me... When I awoke about 45mins later, she asked if I'm ready to get up and when I answered "yes", U should see the look of joy on her face, so cute :D
Noticed 2 missed calls from Rui but it was already past 11pm when I realised about it so I decided to return the calls this morning. However, prior to that, I gave PX a text, asking her to affirm our earlier 'arrangement' so that I know what to tell Rui. PX called me this morning and said that I could tell Rui that I've found help but before I phone her, Rui called... - to change 'day' again. I took the opportunity to tell her that I would not be needing her services for the next few weeks(keeping it neutral first) and as usual, I got her 'ok, nevermind' answer hahaha. So, it's 'let's see how things go' again...
Sunday, September 7, 2008
The Weekend
I asked : "Renee, does aunty PX speak English?"
Renee : "Yes"
Mommy : "What about aunty Rui and aunty Lee?"
Renee : "No. Only aunty PX"
Ok, this confirmed it lolz
It was pouring when we were all about to leave and after a half hour wait, we decided to proceed home. Daddy drove over and took my BIL, sis to their cars whilst Eileen + her kids, Elsie and Li waited with us. It was sooo cold(the wind was very strong) and good thing Elsie had just given Renee a Puma sweater dress but bcause it's sleeveless, we have to put on the long sleeves top as well hahaha. When they all came back with their vehicles, a police patrol car also arrived but parked in the middle of the sheltered pick up area. Daddy waited for it to clear space for our vehicles but it didn't move so daddy had no choice but to honk at it and it finally moved hahaha. The whole scenario(sheltering from the rain, etc..) was like a mini fun adventure lolz.
Don't know why I've been waking up super early lately. Even though I've slept through from 2am+, after I've taken the last pack of my 2nd round of medication(each round 2 pkts), I still woke up voluntarily at 7:30am. Unable to resume my sleep, I went to the freezer and took out a box of fish to defroze. Then I read again til I got alittle sleepy at around 8:30am, switched off my alarm('cos I've assumed that Renee will wake me up at ard 9:30am but she didn't!!!). I woke up at 10:20am and she was still asleep!!! Had she woke up, remembered my request of her not to wake up too early and gone back to sleep? 'Cos when I asked her, she had replied : "because I want you to sleep...".
Waking up late had busted my plans to bring Renee out for breakfast and go look for the 1st book of the earlier 2 activity books I've got for her. Was kinda looking forward to it actually 'cos it is the first Sunday we're both 'free'(with daddy out to golf and no cleaner here)! Ok, if PeiXiang is really coming again this Saturday, then I will get another chance...*crossing finger*- hope I won't miss it again heee.
By the time daddy came home, it was already past 4pm and as usual, I got the 2 of us and Renee's food ready whilst daddy took his nap. No specific place to go to, we ended up at Suntec City for our ribs again. However, there was a bookfair by Popular and I quickly went to look for the book whilst daddy took Renee to the sports shop. Saw many other activity books but the load made me looked like a kiasu mommy, so I put some back and paid for only 5, heeee... A pity these book are only acquired today, else Renee could have a good time doing them during the holiday. Nevermind, we can still do some of them after school.
OH, that reminded me - it's school again tomorrow and so I quickly took out the Student Portfolio for daddy's review since we'd have to return it when school resumes but daddy was only half-way through the file when Renee called out for him from the room and he ended up sleeping inside hahaha.
*Wanted to take photos and show you guys the contents of the portfolio, but there were alot more this time, 'cos she had attended almost the full of the 3rd school term(started late 1 week due to our trip). There're artwork, photos, skills observation checklist/notes based on their 'Theme', 'Kinderfit', 'Twinkleland' activities and I'd already felt my energry draining away just looking at them, let alone to photograph, crop and post them lolz.
Friday, September 5, 2008
It's Friday!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
A day of 'colours'
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
A belated birthday...
On the way to the physician's, she suddenly called out : "oh mommy, we forgot about the money!" and when I told her that I've got it in my bag, she let out a "Phew" and brushed her forehead with the back of her tiny hand lolz.
Phoned Eileen but not answered. She later replied my sms that she's tired and wanted to take a nap, so could we go another day(she didn't know the purpose of our visit). I had thought maybe I could just grab a cake from Hougang Mall and pass it to my nephew and leave, but the rain got heavier and I changed my mind...It's not gonna be 'easy'/convenient for Renee when it's pouring hard...
Text daddy that her daughter's not very happy to have missed the 'cake presenting' moment and he's to bring her out for dinner and on that, he relented hahaha. I rushed back to cook her dinner and she finally was soothed when she heard that we'd be dining out.
We are supposed to go for a night stay at the Palm Resort tomorrow(daddy has been wanting us to go along and had planned this week since it's the school holidays) but it has been raining heavily for the past few days and we are not sure if it might be a wasted trip. Shall see how things go...
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Marketing day
Monday, September 1, 2008
A playdate
A nice gathering and Renee must have enjoyed herself that she invited them to come again :D
Before we headed home, I had gone to get the Precious Moment's cup that Renee had wanted(her current 'Dora' tumbler's damaged due to it being dropped a few times - the hook chipped off, so can't hook on the sling anymore). However, only got to test its 'leakage' level when home and found that although its lid is tight, the 'straw'(can also drink direct, which Renee's doing now when she uses it) opening leaks if it's not placed upright. Can't let her bring this to school in this case...