Wanted to go get some stuffs but as daddy couldn't meet up with us there, we'll have to go another time, haiz.
Meanwhile, since I was there, I went to get a couple of my stuffs and was told that certain amount of purchases would get us shopping vouchers from the mall and the departmental store. As such, we ended up rushing here and there, trying to make our buys and redeem the vouchers(so as to avoid the long ques when the crowd start coming in).
Again, daddy told me to pack some dinner for him and since both Renee and myself were already very hungry, we decided to have our dinner then and there. No prize for guessing right - yes, we had our KFC dinner.... I didn't dare to eat too much these days as afraid that I'll feel sick of eating them soon hahaha. Renee saw the toy set that comes with the kiddy meals and said she wanted it, so there again, I've to order the chicky meal for her. She had wanted the paint set but the boy gave her the badge maker set instead. She was very upset when she looked at the box but I kept telling her that we can always come back again to get the paint set the next time. And guess what, she kept herself busy/occupied the whole night colouring the artwork that would go with the badges hahaha. So much for her complaining earlier...
As Eileen had to go to Wayne's school on Fri, she did her marketing on Sat and when so, we'll only have to pick the foodstuffs up from her place. I was supposed to go collect from her and get daddy his mee rebus breakfast, so, gauging the time that she'll be back, I set my alarm at 8:30am but before I woke up, daddy already woke me with his noisy actions. Then he told me that he'll go collect as he wants to go eat there and I went back for another 1/2 hr of sleep hee.
After her milk(very slowly), she began playing with the badge maker again. As I was cutting up the foodstuffs, I asked daddy abt Li's suggestion of a small gathering at her place or ours and he didn't provide any conclusion(always like that, making it hard for me to plan stuffs. I would prefer to go today, incase of crop-ups on Mon or Tues), so I turned to Renee and teased her :
Mommy : "Renee, shall we ask all the aunties to come to our place?"
Renee : "I only want aunty Elsie, aunty Lili, aunty Poh Choo"
Mommy : "what about aunty Ellen?"
Renee : "yes, aunty ellen also but the doggy very naughty, will bite, the white colour one"
Mommy : "oh, that's kiki"
Renee : "yes, kiki"
Mommy : "ok, we ask aunty Ellen don't bring kiki here ok?"
Renee : "ok, only kobi"
I checked back with daddy again and he finally concluded that we can go get our stuffs on Mon or Tues and so I began texting them to come over. Dinner was delivered Pizzas and KFC(
yes again hahaha, wat to do, it's alot us' favourite :D) and Elsie brought alot of new clothes for Renee again :>. These are what I've chosen :

still comtemplating which of these 2 to keep as there're gonna more jackets to 'come' and I don't wanna take on so many to avoid of 'wastage' of wearing them just once/twice
Elsie has also got her this 'In the Jungle' sticker activity pack - includes 2 stickers scenes, 4 sticker sheets and a poster to colour (
this pack of artmaterial is very good!):

Bottle Weaning III
Although I had switched back to 'once a day drinking from a cup/with a straw' milkfeed for her, I couldn't help but thought to persevere and reverted back to 'twice a day drinking with a straw' routine. However, when my sisters saw her drinking from the bottle(night feed) last night and hearing from me that she's now drinking very slowly with the straw during the day(sometimes to the point that she didn't even want it-the aftrn feed) and they all urged me to just let her continue having it in the bottle else she might wean off milk totally. I cited to them that there're successful cases of children who still drink their milk(though lesser) after being weaned off bottle and they told me that these belong to the minority and most of the children, from past experiences, would usually wean off milk totally as the desire of drinking from bottle is actually a longing of suckling for 'comfort/security' - 'a natural instinct'.